next concert: 13th March - Worcester Cathedral

Video equipment

The first equipment was purchased in June 2001. After six years of heavy use it clearly was time to upgrade to more advanced technology.

In May 2006 the state-of-the-art Sony High Definition Professional camera was purchased and also a powerful 5000 lumens XGA High Definition projector, which give amazingly crisp images for all future screenings. The new projector has more than proved its worth.On many a summer's evening when light is streaming through the windows in the church the image on the screen has still been extremely clear. The new Glidecam CamCrane has given us more flexibility with camera positioning as this clever device will place the camera in those awkward places an ordinary tripod would not be able to reach or flex,too.

We also made provision for various S-Video and HD Splitter boxes which has allowed us to branch out and cater for silent movies and provide an extra screen(s). We regularly provide movie screenings for the British concert organist,David Briggs.

We provided big screen projection setups for the majority of the UK concerts played by Carlo Curley, the American organ virtuoso. He was a long-standing screening artist and held the services we provide in high regard.

Carlo wrote:

"Keith Hearnshaw provides an inimitable golden enhancement to performer and listener alike by bringing the vital visuals to join forces with the thrilling sonics of the master-equation provided by a well-presented organ event. The use of state-of-the-art equipment is elevated by Keith's being a first-class organist/musician in his own right, ensuring that the end result is artistic, crystal-clear and never bereft of integrity."